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MailWasher Enterprise Server - Quick Start Guide

You should see spam blocking rates of over 99%, especially as MWES adapts to the spam you receive. But out of the box MWES should block around 95% of spam

To increase this and filter the remaining spam read these steps

  1. You may want to add common spam domains or FROM email addresses using wildcard patterns to the blacklist. These will become apparent over time. eg domains like _@_.ninja or _@_.top or parts of emails like @dating.*

  2. Your mileage may vary but you may want to increase the RBL's in Spam Filters —> RBLs, using any or all of these. Just be aware that this could increase false positives.

  • bl.score.senderscore.com (signup at senderscore.com)
  • b.barracudacentral.org (signup at barracudacentral.org/rbl)
  • bl.spamcop.net
  • psbl.surriel.com
  • combined.rbl.msrbl.net
  • dyna.spamrats.com
  • noptr.spamrats.com
  • cbl.abuseat.org
  • combined.njabl.org
  • dun.dnsrbl.net
  1. You'll want to enable Bayesian Filtering (See below). This type of filtering learns from emails you decide are good and bad and is the last filter to be used. It will clean up almost all remaining spam.

There's not too many reasons to use the Whitelist unless you're having issues receiving email from a user or domain. ie. Their server doesn't support Greylisting, or they've been added to external blacklists.

30 day, No Risk, No questions asked money back guarantee

If at any stage within 30 days of your purchase you don't want to keep product name, just email as at [email protected] and ask for a refund.