- Sign up as an affiliate free of charge.
- Place links to Firetrust.com on your site or email.
- Your Visitors click on these links and purchase any of our products.
- Earn 50% of the purchase price on any products they buy.
The three most important things to consider when choosing an Affiliate Program are:
- Quality of the product
- Size of the market, and
- Commission percentage
There is no better time to be promoting security products than now. Spam, Spyware and
viruses have reached epidemic proportions and are a huge nuisance to millions of people.
It is estimated that there are between six hundred million and one billion active email accounts
worldwide, and probably just as many internet browsers. This shows there is a huge active
market to protect.
We provide you with usable examples of email promotions, text links and an extensive selection of highly successful banner ads. For those of you in a real hurry, we provide a “Quick Start” option to get you underway in just a few clicks.
You don’t even have to have a website to become a Firetrust Affiliate. All you need is an email account and an email address book. We provide you with email footers and you can promote the Firetrust products to your friends.
It’s a pretty simple concept really. The more we pay you in monthly commissions, the more we receive. It’s in our best interest to make your Affiliate Program operate at an optimum level. It really is a win/win scenario.
- You are referring proven products that sell themselves.
- There are hundreds of millions of potential customers worldwide.
- You receive 50% of the price of Firetrust products for every unit sold directly via your site or email promotion.
- When you refer someone to our Affiliate Program and they sign up, they become your sub-affiliate. For every sale your sub-affiliate makes you are credited with 10% of that sale. What’s more, your sub-affiliate still gets their 50%.
- Email notification of every sale.
- Online statistics and reporting in real-time.
- Secure electronic monthly payments through PayPal.
- An experienced Affiliate Manager to answer your queries, help you get setup and help you maximize your affiliate income every month.
- You receive commission even if the person you refer doesn’t buy a Firetrust product straight away, but buys a Firetrust product 1 year later.
- We take care of everything, all credit card processing and customer service.
- We provide you with your own special URL. This allows us to track your referrals and credit you with any purchases they make.
- You can promote your Affiliate Program as much or as little as you like and you can discontinue the program at anytime with no questions asked.

The Firetrust Reseller Program is a flexible option for merchants wanting to make profits from reselling a hugely popular range of products.
Think about it, in just 5 minutes you could be increasing your monthly income by hundreds
and perhaps thousands of dollars. Just imagine what you could do with this extra money!
We look forward to working with you and making your Affiliate Program a real success!